29 мар 2019
A 60s deaf married couples are happy with 3 grown up children. The husband booked a meal and he said to the wife we're going out to a meal in 2 days - she was surprised. So the day he took her to the restaurant was also her birthday and she'd forgotten about her birthday. To better the surprise, the husband got a wonderful gift for her and she opened the gift. He got her tickets for the both of them to go on a cruise all around the world. She couldn't believe it, that they'll travelling all around the world on a cruise and she was so happy. They went to the massive, beautiful cruise and the cruise went to Australia which was a dream come true and then went on to Canada. The husband had to get something out of his chest and he wanted to talk to the wife - today is our 40th wedding anniversary and they talked about how hard life was with the children and work and the husband telling the wife how much he appreciates her for everything what she did it for him. But he had more to tell her..
DEAF Artem Mazur